Production Note 制作雑記

I won the Appleple Award at the a-blog cms awards 2021

a-blog cms awards 2021の特設サイトのカバー写真Cover photo of the special site for a-blog cms awards 2021

The website of the sculptor Aya Sasakura, created by ZATTA PRODUCTION, Kota Shimizu's media production and marketing agency, won the Appleple Awards at the a-blog cms awards 2021.

Referrer Exclusion for GA4 and About Referrer Spam

GA4で参照元除外の設定1Setting up referrer exclusion in GA4 1

I found a new referrer spam recently, so I did a referrer exclusion in both Google Analytics Universal Analytics and GA4. It seems that referrer exclusion was not possible in GA4 before, but now it can be done easily.

How to implement looping/autoplaying videos using video tags and recommended values for file size and encoding

Best practices for implementing looping and auto-playing videos using video tags, as well as recommended values for video file size and encoding. You can also see the real examples through this article.

Steps to use GA4 and Universal Analytics together and GTM settings and notes

How to add properties for GA4 and use them together with Universal Analytics property. It's easy, but one thing to keep in mind when setting up with Google Tag Manager (GTM).

Simple Gantt : Free Excel template for easy creation of Gantt charts

Simple Gantt is a free Excel book that allows you to easily create simple Gantt charts. It can be used for project management, shift charting, etc.

I received Honorable Mention from an international web design competition Awwwards.

I am pleased to announce that the website of sculptor Aya Sasakura, which was created by Zatta Production (Founded by Kota Shimizu), has been selected as an Honorable Mention and The Mobile Excellence Award in the international website design and development competition "Awwwards".