I recently updated our CMS to the latest version, 2.11.57, on several multilingual sites on the 2.11 system.

I didn't notice immediately after the update, but after a while I noticed that all the links to the English version of the site are now links to the Japanese version.

I noticed this phenomenon when we came across a problem when sharing links on social media, where the information on English articles was not retrieved, and the Japanese information appeared instead.

The URL that should be displayed as domain.com/en/page.html was displayed as domain.compage.html the /en/ was removed.

A patch was provided for this bug on this forum.


お待たせしました。Ver. 2.11の最新版のエイリアスリンク生成の不具合について、パッチを用意させていただきました。 もし、Ver. 2.11.57 にアップデートすることがあれば、こちらのファイル(php/ACMS/function.php)をご利用ください。

v2.11.57 用 エイリアスURL表示時のリンク生成の不具合修正(php5.3-php5.5) https://gist.github.com/atsu666/62e6e3d5395ec54fa508a743d60a65bc

v2.11.57 用 エイリアスURL表示時のリンク生成の不具合修正(php5.6-php7.0) https://gist.github.com/atsu666/83fc0426fbfb0def18ff70c2c3256781

v2.11.57 用 エイリアスURL表示時のリンク生成の不具合修正(php7.1-php7.2) https://gist.github.com/atsu666/ed8cb8181bab80a9482e155710074d4d

After applying this, the problem was solved for all of the sites that had problems.

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Director of web and marketing

Kota Shimizu

I've been working in web, video, and magazine production fields, experienced planning, design, photography, coding, marketing, and business improvement. I'm an omnivorous director who can handle anything in a widely.